Monday, 5 December 2011

My Animation


This is my animation for my materials techniques and processes work with kaboom innovation and tradition in art and design, i did this video on photo-shop rather than flash so i could test myself between the differences of how it is all ran and the layout.

The process of this animation started with the use of creating a stage where the animation would take place in an enviorment that would make sense to the viewer .

Firstly making the space like image in the background was simply done but a star brush and in each frame i would increase the opacity of the stars to make it seem it was getting brighter and dimmer through out of the animation.

Creating the asteroid was a lot harder than it looks due to making it look like it was moving rather than a still image getting pulled across the screen which wouldn't look real at all and also wouldn't be a good animation so i took the color of an asteroid from the internet and added into to a ball and distorted it as much as i could and used photo shops animation software to make it seem like it was shooting across the screen into a planet i created with a brush with and coated over with the burn tool which gave it the planet like texture.

Because i didn't think my animation was good enough i deiced to add in a song which would distract the viewer from the animation and make them focus on the music insted.

This is the group animation done by myself martin, Alex, Jake and will by the use of stock motion animation with blue-tack and a basic camera with tons of editing, we all took part in making the animation each with are own characters

the animation itself is rather short but making it took a good hour or two to get what we desired as a group we were happy with what we came up with but would make it a lot longer if we got the chance in the future.

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