Monday 28 November 2011

further research

 These websites show how use of patterns can be used to help improve the page layout and how the person reacts to the content of the image. this one has small squares through the layout although the second image has small different colored balls in a diagonal directions through he entire page which is extremely clear

  Personally i did not like doing typography because of how slow boring and time consuming it is as-well as i don't think it is my strongest skill out of the things we have done personally and to our blocks some people may find this easier than other things but id rather doing normal photo-shop editing

Monday 14 November 2011

Person tag

 For my personal tag i decided to make it as creepy as i can but still give it a childlike view so i decided to use the most populer colors in the 10-18 age range which consisted of red green purple and blue to give it a nice color and it would match the wording of the tag itself.

After resizing the image i placed  it on top of the image that i hand drew and recolored in photo shop to make it stand out more and bring it a more 3d effect , i experimented with many colors but i the end i decided to keep in the same similar colors of the clown i had done before.

Monday 7 November 2011


This is the base of are pattern and texture part of our course this perticuler image was the first to be done through a demo to teach us how to do it and then to do are own.

the way this is done is rather simple although it look very complex but it is only a series of copying and manipulating the direction of each image and simply merging them all together.

This is an image which i did on my own after the demo to see how i could manipulate the image using my own imagination and own color scheme.

using multiple types of font and colors can make completely different ways of manipulating images into patterns and textures such as brick walls, wood and many other things.

This is my absolutely best image for the patterns and textures because of the bright colors and how it looks 3d although it was not intended.

as-well as the lines connecting perfectly and having each line with different colors which show off the pattern well.


 the throbbing color of the red and orange mix texture in the background makes it look like a mutated blood stream, aswell as the logo in the foreground, it also makes it seem somethings going to come out of it.
The use of a black and white faded images as-well as the clicking layered images which are links, highlights of certain key points such as eyes and other key images and words. the texture of the image and using the sun over the horizon style with a soothing blue color which shows the metallic color of the title screen.

This image shows a vast amount of brushes and brushstyles as well as factoring his photography

There are a lot of bright colors onto of a dark background to show them off a lot more than having a bright background with bright foreground.

Banksy - his work is seen as vandalism through out the word by some people but the people who really see what his work is about see it as inspiration in their lives and inspires them to do their own work and try to be as popular as banksy himself. 
 This is personally my most liked image from banksys huge collection, Due to the selflessness in the picture of how people who have nothing do not think about them self's but about the world around them and if it really had change no one would be left out on the streets
Having this piece so close to my home town made me think about how where ever you go no matter how far your art can connect with anyone anywhere

This picture is showing a common factor through out the world of lovers getting caught by their partners which shows to the extreams of it happening for real.
its seems both  of banksy images are used as stencils and normally the same basic color through out unless he is trying to highlight certain aspects of any wording or a certain area of the image in this case the two colors that stand out seem to be the two people in the window as the man hanging out of the window with a white and black with a small amount of shading

This image of banksy himself in an documentary that was released many friends and fans of banksy were surprised to see him on film even though his face was blurred and actually knowingly let someone know he was banksy.

Banksys trust in the man that filmed this documentary was astounding and how he let him follow him around and be his look out although it was originally based on banksy it took a turn to the man that was filming as he enters the world of art himself and is known as Mr brainwash began making pieces of art and selling them.

DAVID CARSON – uses typography to create details images with the words on a keyboard which are highly detailed  and still shows what the original image is supposed to be he first started doing this with skateboard designs with his own company of which he sold and got offered a position with another small skateboard company called transworld skateboarding and he is the art director where he is a vital role in his spare time he still makes and sells images to do with typography which are highly profound by many in the art sector of the world  

 Animation - counterstrke - Basic stickman animation based on call of duty and how some players are during and throughout the game but made it more funny.

Camper - a person who stays in one spot during the entire game 
Hacker - a Person who illegally enters a game and changes it to their advantage .
Assassin - A person who is extremely skilled with any weapon in the game.
Dumbass - A person who runs in attacking without thinking.

The characters in this animation show aspects of how people act and react to on line video games such as call of duty and what may happen in certain situations such as lagging modding and other things most people find highly annoying and could also be illegal.

Each character shown here is a way of people acting during the game, the killer is someone who manages to kill almost everybody without getting killed themselfs.

This is a common person who runs around without thinking and shooting at everything that moves, they also almost get killed every single time in the game.

We were taken to astor park to get images of graffti to understand the idea of are own tags and how textures would and could effect out own tags

While looking through these images i couldn't think of anyway to incorporate them into my own design so i decided not to use them in this  part of my work but iv kept them in case i want to use them later in the future